as more than i used combinations of this technologies, was very impressed how things can be done easily.
today i got some issue. i had some code portion in XML that contains xHTML tags.
XML content:
<em>err assertFalse</em>
out assertFalse
failure assertFalse(junit.SimpleTest1): error message
XSLT formatting:
<xsl:value-of select="output"/>
so i need to show this output content to user using inside xHTML tags, so first line expected to be emphasized. but it not! all because, XSL processor escaping special characters by default ("<" to "<") to make valid output.
i found helpful links on Dev Shed forum. all you need, is to add disable-output-escaping="yes".
<xsl:value-of select="output" disable-output-escaping="yes"/>
btw, it's working only in IE-family and Safari. it's funny discussion at FF bugzilla started 2001-09-04 and to thus far.