Thursday, May 20, 2010

012 with Linksys WRT54GL and Tomato firmware

Other issue I've ran into is losing DNS from ISP on router reconnects.

I got Linksys WRT54GL with Tomato custom firmware v1.28.1812 (Built on Mon, 03 May 2010 20:35:16 -0700). LT2P reconnect at 012 doesn't happen too often, but sometimes changes unexpectedly.

How you feel that? Browsers can not open sites, any other program you start after reconnection that require internet communication also will fail reporting that their servers are not accessible. But already connected applications like messengers (Skype, GTalk, etc) that were connected before redial still working because they usually no need extra DSN lookups once they online.

This is an example of log after reconnect.
May 19 20:05:22 linksys daemon.notice pppd[10267]: Modem hangup
May 19 20:05:22 linksys daemon.notice pppd[10267]: Connection terminated.
May 19 20:05:22 linksys pppd[10267]: Connect time 2761.3 minutes.
May 19 20:05:22 linksys pppd[10267]: Sent 2694942685 bytes, received 2221543095 bytes.
May 19 20:05:23 linksys pppd[10267]: Exit.
May 19 20:05:44 linksys redial[10265]: WAN down. Reconnecting...
May 19 20:05:47 linksys kernel: vlan1: del 01:00:5e:11:11:22 mcast address from master interface
May 19 20:05:47 linksys kernel: vlan1: del 01:00:5e:11:11:22 mcast address from vlan interface
May 19 20:05:47 linksys kernel: vlan1: del 01:00:5e:14:41:22 mcast address from master interface
May 19 20:05:47 linksys kernel: vlan1: del 01:00:5e:14:41:22 mcast address from vlan interface
May 19 20:05:47 linksys user.warn kernel: vlan1: Setting MAC address to 00 23 69 3b 47 29.
May 19 20:05:47 linksys kernel: vlan1: add 01:00:5e:14:41:22 mcast address to master interface
May 19 20:05:47 linksys kernel: vlan1: add 01:00:5e:11:11:22 mcast address to master interface
May 19 20:05:48 linksys kernel: IPP2P v0.8.1_rc1 unloaded
May 19 20:05:50 linksys redial[21003]: Started. Time: 30
May 19 20:05:51 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21005]: pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
May 19 20:05:51 linksys pppd[21005]: Using interface ppp0
May 19 20:05:51 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21005]: Connect: ppp0 <--> /dev/pts/0
May 19 20:05:51 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21006]: pppd 2.4.1 started by root, uid 0
May 19 20:05:51 linksys pppd[21006]: Using interface ppp1
May 19 20:05:51 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21006]: Connect: ppp1 <--> /dev/pts/1
May 19 20:05:53 linksys daemon.err pppd[21005]: not replacing existing default route to vlan1 []
May 19 20:05:53 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21005]: local IP address
May 19 20:05:53 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21005]: remote IP address
May 19 20:05:53 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21005]: primary DNS address
May 19 20:05:53 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21005]: secondary DNS address
May 19 20:05:53 linksys dnsmasq[10272]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
May 19 20:05:53 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: started, version 2.52 cachesize 150
May 19 20:05:53 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: compile time options: no-IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-I18N DHCP no-scripts no-TFTP
May 19 20:05:53 linksys dnsmasq-dhcp[21012]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
May 19 20:05:53 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
May 19 20:05:53 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: using nameserver
May 19 20:05:53 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: using nameserver
May 19 20:05:53 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: read /etc/hosts - 0 addresses
May 19 20:05:53 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: read /etc/hosts.dnsmasq - 73 addresses
May 19 20:05:54 linksys kernel: IPP2P v0.8.1_rc1 loading
May 19 20:05:56 linksys daemon.err pppd[21006]: not replacing existing default route to ppp0 []
May 19 20:05:56 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21006]: local IP address
May 19 20:05:56 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21006]: remote IP address
May 19 20:05:56 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21006]: primary DNS address
May 19 20:05:56 linksys daemon.notice pppd[21006]: secondary DNS address
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: using nameserver
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: using nameserver
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21012]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: started, version 2.52 cachesize 150
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: compile time options: no-IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-I18N DHCP no-scripts no-TFTP
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq-dhcp[21059]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: using nameserver
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: using nameserver
May 19 20:05:56 linksys kernel: vlan1: del 01:00:5e:11:11:22 mcast address from master interface
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: read /etc/hosts - 0 addresses
May 19 20:05:56 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: read /etc/hosts.dnsmasq - 73 addresses
May 19 20:05:58 linksys kernel: vlan1: add 01:00:5e:11:11:22 mcast address to master interface
May 19 20:06:21 linksys kernel: vlan1: del 01:00:5e:11:11:22 mcast address from master interface
May 19 20:06:23 linksys kernel: vlan1: add 01:00:5e:11:11:22 mcast address to master interface
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: using nameserver
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: using nameserver
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21059]: exiting on receipt of SIGTERM
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21564]: started, version 2.52 cachesize 150
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21564]: compile time options: no-IPv6 GNU-getopt no-RTC no-DBus no-I18N DHCP no-scripts no-TFTP
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq-dhcp[21564]: DHCP, IP range --, lease time 1d
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21564]: reading /etc/resolv.dnsmasq
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21564]: using nameserver
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21564]: using nameserver
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21564]: read /etc/hosts - 0 addresses
May 19 21:05:14 linksys dnsmasq[21564]: read /etc/hosts.dnsmasq - 73 addresses

Note the last 4 lines about nameserver, it takes and

The workaround is to set static DNS. I saw that 012 usually reports 3 addresses:, and
So I set first two from 012 and third from Google public DNS (just in case first two fails):, and

Monday, May 17, 2010

Leumi mail header fail

The head image...

Show typed password in browsers

I agree with Jakob Nielsen that user should simply check what password they type. But if they want to. That solves many login issues.

I took latest jQuery 1.4.2 and Prototype 1.6.1 with 4 modern browsers for tests: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and Internet Explorer 8.

Good looking solution not works in IE because it doesn't let you to change DOM's element attribute 'type" once it cloned.
But if you still concerned that IE users are good people, just got it preinstalled with OS - I have an ugly tricks version that works in all these browsers.

One thing, I forgot to mention.
When adding Show feature, you braking tab key flow for those, who like to use primary a keyboard. So now, after Password field, pressing Tab move us to Show checkbox, but it should to Remember me as would without it. In this case, you have to set tabindex property manually, to keep user on track and not show a secret incidentally to people looking at monitor instead of checking Remember me. See example below.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

012 Smile internet

Looks like now, my internet connection is fine.

After I've spent a lot of time last week on my cell phone with them, their VoIP box passed away, and they replaced it by new one after 2 days. Another fail is when I ask for free call back from support because I on my cell, they saying "wait, it will not take more than a minute" and then again and again.

All was need is a right support guy, his name is Eugene.
He is not tell to Cisco employee "type ping on black screen, it's spelling P-I-N-G" or "you need a PC technician, you have problem with your PC" that's just so unprofessional for support host. I guess, the main issue on any support service its experience and quality of that young boys and girls, 012 is the worst company.

Also, if 012 representatives (not support) promise to call you back on next day to check is that fixed or when to take replacement, that will never happen.

But anyway, thumb down for 012, better choose Bezeqint or Netvision.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


I want to clarify why I complain about 012 and why you should avoid buy their service.
I'm not saying that it happens with all their clients, but from what I know - you better find another provider.

I work at Cisco and till April 25th 2010 our company was paid for home broadband internet, usually 5 Mb / 512 kb. I was happy subscriber of HOT business as infrastructure and Bezeqint Business as ISP.

Now, as company reduces costs and employees need to switch to self paid internet. Cisco called all ISP to the office and the come with different deals - 012 Smile, Netvision, Bezeqint and Orange. Most of us chose 012 cause of lowest prices. They have bundles (ISP + infrastructure) or just ISP service.

Compare details on 012 deal to Cisco versus regular request as new client, prices in NIS.
Client type: Business vs. Private
ISP cost: 30 vs. 90
HOT cost: 72 vs. 80
Bundle cost: 102 vs. 130
In summary, if you are new client you will pay 130 NIS every month for 5/512, if you from Cisco - 102 NIS. Pretty good prices for us, because we have a big group of people looking for internet.

Now, when I switched to 012 from Bezeqint, here start my problems.
The major are
- torrent traffic is shaped (more details in next post)
- L2TP connection lost from 2-4 times per day
- support is also playing ping-pong with you sending you to HOT, HOT to 012 and so on.

Before Cisco (3 years ago) I was also using 012 and was very unhappy with them because of same things. I thought they changed - wrong! Now they won't let me leave and keep fucking my brain every day (details to follow).

By the way, you can try them for 14 days and disconnect without even say a reason as new remark to law says.

012 vs Bezeqint

This is a simple check I made yesterday evening - same torrent files were tested over 10 minutes.

Bad ISP - traffic shaping - 012 Gold lines

Good ISP - no shaping - Bezeqint

More details to follow...

Thursday, May 6, 2010

012 Smile - Voice box after router

How to connect 012 voice box after your router and control it.

This is my device

Make: AudioCodes
Model: MP-202 (012 uses MP-202/012/CBL)
I got with M.Date 12/2008

user@wazup:~$ sudo nmap -sS -O

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2010-05-06 01:24 IDT
Interesting ports on
Not shown: 995 closed ports
23/tcp   filtered telnet
443/tcp  open     https
992/tcp  open     telnets
8080/tcp open     http-proxy
8443/tcp open     https-alt
MAC Address: 00:90:8F:09:93:DC (Audio Codes)
Device type: general purpose
Running: Linux 2.4.X
OS details: Linux 2.4.18 - 2.4.35 (likely embedded)

Also another suspicious ports
2555 open uknown
8023 open unknown
2945/sctp filtered h248-binary
7626/sctp filtered simco

UDP scan took 20 minutes.
user@wazup:~$ sudo nmap -sU

Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2010-05-06 01:26 IDT
Interesting ports on
Not shown: 983 closed ports
53/udp open|filtered domain
67/udp open|filtered dhcps
68/udp open|filtered dhcpc
161/udp open|filtered snmp
789/udp open|filtered unknown
965/udp open|filtered unknown
1007/udp open|filtered unknown
1105/udp open|filtered unknown
1900/udp open|filtered upnp
16503/udp open|filtered unknown
20678/udp open|filtered unknown
21524/udp open|filtered unknown
21644/udp open|filtered unknown
21780/udp open|filtered unknown
21898/udp open|filtered unknown
49173/udp open|filtered unknown
55043/udp open|filtered unknown
MAC Address: 00:90:8F:09:93:DC (Audio Codes)

So, to place this box after your router and control it, you need to connect your PC via cable in LAN/PC port, wait for IP address from it, check a Gateway IP and use it in browser with 8080 port (https://GATEWAY-IP/ also works). Username is "user", password is "wel-012!" (all without quotes). Set Connection Type to "Automatic IP Address Ethernet Connection".

No you need to set QoS rules for SIP and RTP protocols - this will help prioritize voice traffic over other, so when you need to call, your torrent will not affect you, because voice will get high priority.
Ports are 5060, 5061, 5004, 5005.

If support guys can't reach it, setup port forwarding to black box, they should be happy.

Led indication
SIP registration status LED indication - a successful registration ('online' state) is indicated by a LED flashing slowly (a very short flash every 4 seconds). This indication is per phone line.
The LEDs labeled 'Phone 1' and 'Phone 2'reflect the status of the phones connected to the MP-202:
ON - During power-up and when the phone is off-hook.
OFF - Normal / the phone is on-hook
Flashing - Phone is ringing

See also about that in Hebrew

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Learning Adobe Flex

Last week I learned some Adobe Flex.
They got great video course - Flex in a Week - recommended if you want a smooth start without too much reading.

In frame of this week, I did a small project - company car chooser. Most big companies (like mine Cisco) offer to their employees leased cars. Sometimes it profitable, sometimes not (out of this article scope).

So, people should choose a car and CarChooser will help them to make a first choice (or minimize options) by simple criteria filtering like budget, major car specs, tax rates (for Israel). It uses Google Image Search service for preview images, so it's very cool. Before that we have simple cars table with names and links to makes pages. You need to open 5-10 links until you find how much you will pay, how it looks like and can you use trunk for folding bikes with food at once.

Online demo
Source code on GitHub

See also
Flex developer center
Flex/AIR Application Scope Tips